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Anime & Manga

Introduction "Once Upon a Time in a Zombie Empire" is a captivating manhwa that combines elements of fantasy, romance, and horror. The story follows Jaeha Lee, the sole survivor of a modern zombie apocalypse, who mysteriously finds herself transmigrated into the body of Princess Charlotte...

The Devil Raises a Lady Spoiler

In Anime & Manga
On December 28, 2023
Introduction Welcome to our comprehensive spoiler-filled article on "The Devil Raises a Lady." This captivating story centers around Lady Ayana, a young woman whose life is drastically changed by the machinations of the devil and her quest for revenge. Set against a backdrop of 19th-century...
Introduction "I Will Surrender the Position as Empress" is a compelling novel filled with political intrigue, personal growth, and unexpected twists. Set in a richly detailed fantasy world, the story revolves around Empress Adele, who navigates the treacherous waters of imperial politics after her unexpected...
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